The benefits of exercise are enormous. It’s good for our body and mind. Walking outdoors can help with blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. It can also boost metabolism and help you lose weight. Spending time outside and exercising has also been known to help decrease depression and elevate a positive mood.
While walking outdoors can be wonderful as a single activity, we can also pair it with other activities. You can spend time with a friend while walking together. Another excellent activity while walking is to listen to music, a podcast or an audiobook.
It costs nothing to take a walk and it doesn’t have to take a great deal of time. 15–20 minutes several times a week can benefit your mind and body. Simple activities done consistently can have an enormous benefit.
Walking can also have a purpose. Depending on where you live, you could walk to the grocery store, library, post office, or coffee shop. You can get some errands done and a walk in at the same time.
The American Heart Association has named the first Wednesday in April as national walking day. If you’re serious about starting a walking program, here’s a fitness guide from the AHA: https://www.heart.org/idc/groups/heart-public/@wcm/@fc/documents/downloadable/ucm_448770.pdf
Quote: “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” ― John Muir
Resource: Benefits of Walking: https://commonsensehealth.com/benefits-walking/#more-2686